07900 686389 (9am-5pm Mon - Fri)
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natalie hunt training

Natalie Hunt Training for Charities and Volunteer Groups

Charity and Volunteer Group Courses Available with Natalie Hunt

Volunteers can play a powerful role in a young person’s life. It is now widely recognised that positive relationships with trustworthy, responsible adults can be the key to a child’s good self esteem and resilience. If you are working with young people through the church, extra curricular activities or other youth organisations, I offer training to help recognise the signs of mental ill health and how to best support a young person with confidence.

Half day ‘Mental Health Aware’ course:

A 3 hour introductory session on young people’s mental health, covering:

 • Some of the common mental health issues affecting young people, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders and psychosis

 • Skills to work more effectively with young people living with mental health issues

 • Ways to support young people with a mental health issue and relate to their experiences
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One day ‘Champions’ course:

A one day session on young people’s mental health, covering:

 • An understanding of common mental health issues and how they can affect young people

 • Ability to spot signs of mental ill health in young people and guide them to a place of support

 • Knowledge and confidence to advocate for mental health awareness
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Workshops for Volunteers and Young People Available from Natalie Hunt Training

Bespoke Training (full day/half day/twilight- as required)

Topics include:
• When does worrying become Anxiety?
• Stress Management
• Depression or low mood?
• Understanding Self Harm
• Typical teenager or early signs of mental ill health?
• Self care and wellbeing for staff

Mental health and Wellbeing for Young People

Ages 5-11  
Workshop series ‘Looking After Our Mental Health’ – understanding the difference between physical and mental health, the signs of good and poor mental health, developing coping strategies and how to build resilience.

 • Ages 11 -18
Age specific workshops and presentations on topics such as stress management, worrying/Anxiety, low mood & Depression, online safety and healthy screen use, mental fitness and body image.

Relationships and Sex Education for Young People

As a member of the Esteem Acet network, I offer fun and interactive RSE workshops, giving young people the opportunity to explore the following topics
• Puberty
• Positive relationships and friendships
• Risk of unhealthy relationships and understanding consent
• Self Esteem
• Sexual health – STI’s and HIV/AIDS
• Conception and contraception
• Parenthood
• Media’s distortion of sex (including pornography)
• Sexting, online behaviour and the law

"All children deserve the opportunity to flourish and fulfil their potential. I believe this is best achieved by promoting their self esteem, wellbeing and resilience.

A child who has good self esteem is more likely to be a confident, independent and emotionally intelligent adult."

Natalie Hunt

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