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BBC Radio Oxford - how can we look after our mental health post-lockdown?


On 27th August 2020 I spoke to Lilley Mitchell on BBC Radio Oxford about the impact of the lockdown on our mental health. Not only have many families and individuals experienced an increase in stress due to financial pressures, job losses, homeschooling and working from home, many have felt anxiety over the virus itself and how to keep themselves and their family safe. Recommended strategies for nourishing our mental health, such as socialising, getting outside and finding a purpose suddenly became harder to access, leaving many feeling isolated.

The easing of lockdown presents us with another set of challenges for our wellbeing and mental health. If you, or someone you know is struggling with this transition, here are some suggestions to keep your mental health in check -

1. Talk - Put effort into having meaningful, social connections with those who care about you. This doesn't have to be in person and many of us are now enjoying virtual conversations more than ever.

2. Take small steps - Don't rush into resuming the activities and lifestyle you had before lockdown. Take one day at a time and don't pressurise yourself into something you are not ready for.

3. Plan - Planning your day helps to create a sense of routine and structure. You can also prepare for events that might feel difficult by doing something calming before and afterwards. Schedule your time and include at least 10 minutes of self care each day.

4. Prioritise sleep and rest - I can't emphasise the importance of this enough. There will be the temptation to dive into the hectic schedules we previously had. Be mindful of yours, and your family's limits and take plenty of opportunities to rest.

5. Be mindful of your use of technology - If you are feeling anxious, be aware of how much you are looking at social media and the news. Aim to limit the use of your device to certain times in the day and turn off notifications.

You can hear the interview in full at


If you are struggling, or know someone who is, the following organisations can offer support:

SHOUT - Text 85258

Samaritans - Call 116123

Mind - www.mind.org.uk

Anxiety UK - www.anxietyuk.org.uk

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